Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Let's talk Media...

I chose media studies because my mum did it for her GCSE in the past then my sister did and their opinions on media was that you had to work hard but overall their experiences were fantastic and fun.

The most exciting part of the course that I'm excited about would probably be making your own music video. I say this because you get to express your media skills and knowledge and learning to a music video. What I like about this task is that it’s not a basic kind of task you will need to do, it is fun but at the same time you would need to plan it all out so you would know what you are doing and so you can get the grade you want. Also another thing I like about it is watching the music videos of artists because you get more of an understanding of how the song relates to their kind of background.

 The skills I am hoping to learn in Media would be Photoshop. I say Photoshop because I actually don't know how to Photoshop and it would be interesting to find out how it’s done. The grade I would like to achieve would be an A or A*.I would like to get high grades for media because I feel I have the potential to get those grades by jotting down important notes, learning from my mistakes, hand in my coursework on time and last but not least working as hard as I can to get the grades that I would like to get.

The last TV show I watched was the world cup. I watched the match between Colombia and Japan, the scores were 3 to Colombia and 1 to Japan. The last movie I watched was Ride along. To be honest if I am going to watch TV it’s only for certain shows like Youngers on e4 or Hollyoaks on channel 4 or the world cup on itv or the news on BBC1.

In my opinion, I think that TV programmes and films attract an audience because some people have certain genres that they like to watch. Also they advertise it to people on adverts, billboards and posters. I also think they try to appeal to people to persuade them to watch their tv show instead of other companies programme. It’s kind of like a competition, for instance think of Eastenders and Emmerdale. They are both good shows but they both try to outdo each other. Whenever there is a tragic storyline in one of the two TV programmes, one of the shows always wants to outdo them or make their story line more appealing and dramatic to get more views then the other show.

The technology I used to access the media in the last 24hours is my laptop, IPod and my phone. I use all three of them for different reasons.

 The device I use the most to access the media would be my IPod.

The main story of BBC news is that North Korea threatens US over a movie. In my opinion, I think that they shouldn't have made the movie because the king that was to rule over North Korea died 3 years ago and they were hoping to call it Kim Jong-un but because he died they had to rename it to the interview. I personally think that if their king died why would you still promote it if you know it’s going to cause problems or offend people that loved him? Also a North Korea spokesman said "Making and releasing a movie on a plot to hurt our top-level leadership is the most blatant act of terrorism and war and will absolutely not be tolerated." I watched the trailer and to be honest I think it’s a bit offensive to North Korea because they are basically trying to make him look like the bad guy and a terrorist and I know it’s only a movie but still it’s not right for them to be making a movie of a dead man. I also realised that the actor looked exactly like Kim Jong-un. I think it’s the main story because it’s about war and that attracts people to see if there is conflict or rivalry between the two countries and to see people’s reaction towards this situation.

The main story for Guardian News is that David Cameron is rebuked by the judge over Andy Coulson comments. I think its head news because David Cameron is supposed to be representing our country Britain and also supposed to be our Prime Minister but if you’re making comments and making a bad impression of yourself then you’re making a bad impression of Britain.

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