Sunday, 17 August 2014

Tv news research

Tv News Research:Channel 4 news

I am going to research channel 4 seven o'clock news. I thought to do channel 4 because not a lot of people think to do channel 4 because its not as big as BBC news so I thought to do something different and pick a news that is big but what people would least pick.


The Channel 4 news is broadcasts on Channel 4. Channel 4 news is on the television for 7 days a week and the time its on is 7:00-8:00 pm. Also on the weekends Channel 4 news is broadcasts a different time then the weekdays,the time they have it run is on 6:40-7:05 pm but the show only lasts for 55 minutes so they have enough time to do interviews,reporters reporting problems&the weather. The Channel 4 team presenters are Jon Snow,Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Cathy Newman, Alex Thomson, Jackie Long, Liam Dutton, Michael Crick, Andy Davies, Darshna Soni and Matt Frei.

The main presenter for Channel 4 is Jon Snow along with Krishnan Guru-Murthy. Cathy Newman is another presenter but not one of the main ones.Then they have their Alex Thomson who is their chief correspondent that gives your news and information. Also we have Jackie Long who is Social affair editor and presenter and we have Liam Dutton which is Channel 4 news weather reporter, Michael Crick is their political correspondent, Andy Davies and Darshna Soni who is their Home affairs correspondents.Matt Frei is their only Europe editor that edits the the news around Europe.

The average viewing figures for Channel 4 news is 6.3 million. Channel 4 news has been awarded online media ward because of their website that has got a lot of ratings and the effects and news stories. Also they have been awarded programme of the year.


Channel 4 news was launched on 2nd November 1982 at 4:45pm. The channel wasn't launched earlier because back in the day they didn't have variety channels ,so in the 80's they thought to make a channel 4 news since they had BBC news. Channel 4 news is owned by Channel four television corporation and its famous for their entertainment and news.

It's sisters are 4seven, film4, 4music, E4, More4,Kiss, Heat, Kerrang, Magic, The box and Smash hits.
In the early 2000's channel 4 decided to put a new show to get higher ratings and viewers ,which was dramatic, big and a reality game show. Its called Big brother. Its about 15-17 contestants that have to live in a big house designed to a theme that its set by big brother and they have to win by evicting someone every week and getting voted to stay by the audience and people at home. 


I think the target audience for Channel 4 news is for all ages because they have different news stories like interviews with pharrell was a debate on how his video was offensive to young females because of his song lyrics and I would assume the ages of 13+ would watch the interview. Also channel 4 news would attract youngsters more because its a bit modern with the effects and music. However it hasn't been around like BBC news,so it would have young people watching as well with old people. I think its 50/50 on female & male because not all male would just watch channel 4 news,I think its a fifty fifty chance they both watch it. In my opinion, I think there isn't a age restriction because it's a family programme. Also its easier to understand and they don't use as much big word like how bbc news does because the age they are aiming at is the elderly. I think this because the news reports that are being reported would draw attention to them. Like for example the Palestinians news report how they are getting attacked by the Israelites,it has effected a lot of people at home watching it and has pulled heart strings also from adults because of the families and children that have died because of the war. 


Thursday 14th August

-The yazidi refugees are trying to escape from being bombed in their old home in the mountain sinjar but some has escaped while some have dead and decide to stay at the mountain sinjar.
- Top A-level grades dropped for the first time for 21 years.
-Sir Cliff Richards has been under allegations of sexual abuse towards a young boy back in the 1980's
- A Christian pop star said when she was younger every one made her think she couldn't be a homo-sexual and Christian
-Nottingham Trent University made a error and a mistake for sending emails the day before the students results day if they go it in or not.

I think channel 4 news done the news stories in that order because the first story that has been reported is the top headline of their news because its been going on for days and people would mist probably want to know more information on it then the A level news. Also i think they put it that order for the most important headline to the not so important headline.

Monday 18th August

-A young black unarmed teen was shot in Missouri by a Ferguson Cop and now protesters are angry and upset for what has happen.Now they want to speak out for what has happened.
-The rugby team won against Canada on sunday
-Tomorrow Britain will find out if Scotland wants to independent as a country.
- Boko Haram is Africas best Taliban Terrorists have struck again by keeping men and abusing them.

I think they picked the first news story first because its a big story that has captured a lot or peoples attention and will draw them in to their news because if it was a boring news story at the beginning of the news then no one would be interested in it. Also the second news because their target audience don't just want to hear about politics,some might not want to just listen to the problems around the world they also want to hear about the positives achievements that inspirational people have done.They did the third one because its a campaign that has been going on for a long period of time and they want to inform people. And the last one,in my opinion I think they picked it to be last because its important but its rather a new news story for people to know about. Also the last story would make everyone feel tense and upset because they are ending on a heart breaking story that grabs people attention.

Friday 29th August

-Terrorist have threats towards the UK and our prime minister thinks its highly likely for the jhadist to attack the UK
-Missing 5 year old boy with a brain tumour went missing from the hospital for 24 hours
-America will defend Ukraine when it comes to a war between Ukraine and Iraq
-Food in hospitals are disgusting and need to be approved.
-UN Human rights
-More trouble for Malaysia Airlines 

I think they started with the first story because they want to inform and make people think bout what might happen to the world if they make kill everyone and also it makes people think there are many possibility for what is to come. I think they picked the second story because it levels out the shock and sadness to people from the first story to the second. Also its international news that everyone going to be talking about so its attention seeking story to draw the audience to be interested. In my opinion I think the third story was picked because its a debatable news story that people at home could talk about and watch. Its got many answers and opinions on if Obama is doing the right thing or not. The fourth story was picked because it would alert people in the hospitals,that the food isn't up to good standards and should be good enough for people to eat. The fifth story was picked because human rights is a big subject/topic people around the world talk about and to hear that human beings are treating other human beings wrong is sad and upsetting to hear because everyone is equal. I think the last story was picked because the story was big when everyone heard it. It was on the news,newspapers,blogs everywhere and hearing the story that there's even more trouble it would get people thinking about how the plane crashed and what is there solution to this problem.


  1. WWW: This is a spectacular summer project - phenomenal detail to the research and clearly so much effort has gone into every aspect of this. All four tasks completed superbly.
    EBI: Two areas to work on prior to the exam - target audience and editorial decisions. C4 News has an interesting audience - younger yes (as you say) but also more educated and interested in foreign/political news. You could also offer more in terms of why stories appear in a certain order but we'll cover this when we study the exam topic.
    LR: Do you regularly watch the programme you researched? Why/why not? Where do you get your news from? Answer in a comment below.

    1. I watch it all the time but there are times when I do watch c4 news at home not all of it but I don't watch the whole 55 minutes of the programme. I don't rarely use the bbc news app but I have it on my ipod jut there for when I want ton read some news.
