Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Film Posters and Trailers

The key conventions on this film posters is
-central image
-social network
-production blurb
-release date
-tag lines
-institution tags+ certification

The central image attracts the audience with the colour scheme that is there. Such as the fire in the background and the colour of the writing. Also the central image might attract the audience because there is just one person on the cover to show that she is the main character of this movie.
The title might attract the audience because there's was a book that inspired the films of the hunger games so it will attract an audience because people would of already heard about the hunger games on the radio or YouTube and other social networks that can connect to the media. The social network might attract the audience because of twitter, facebook, Youtube etc. Also it might attract an audience because it is a way to connect to different networks about The Hunger Games There are fan bases and websites around so there is no average age for a Hunger Games fan. The cast might attract the audience because they have seen them all around on billboards and on adverts also because they had a successful film for the first one everyone would know who they are.

Key conventions for this trailer is 

-age ratings
-fast pace editing
-institution tags
-release date
-text on screen
-social networks
-non digestic
-Music that communicates the genre and feel of film

As you could see at the beginning of he trailer there was the age ratings so people could know what age it was for.  Then there was non-diegestic music that the charcaters couldnt here so people could see how professional and serious the screen was. Then there is fast editing to show small snippets to show tag lines and audience what's its about. The release date is on the screen because people now a days dont listen to voice overs because movies don't that any more. Mise-en scene is through out the film to show that the theme they are going for us futuristic. At the end the title is displayed and the social networks are as well to show people that there are other ways of connecting to the hunger games such as fan sites and channels etc.

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